
This meetup discusses the impact of blockchain on payment services such as Libra Crypto-token or Stable Coins and asset representation as tokens and how that relates to such services. With Libra expected to function as a multi-currency backed stable-coin and generate use cases primarily based in the financial and technology sector, this Disrupt meetup will discuss the newest trends, legal frameworks, use cases related to tokenization across various industries.

Join our Disrupt Meetup FinTech community in Frankfurt. This meetup discusses the rise of the FinTech sector and its implication for the financial industry and economy. This community brings together fintech enthusiastic enterprises, and startups that want to get to know the technology, understand how it can be used and applied in their processes and those that already invest in it.

Disrupt Meetup | Impact of Blockchain on Payment Services

Here is the current line-up of the upcoming speakers:

(1) Marc Henniges, Manager, d-fine GmbH
Marc Henniges holds a PhD in physics with an emphasis on the application of machine learning. He’s a manager at d-fine and responsible for the firm’s blockchain activities in the area of ICOs and STOs. In this role, he manages the maintenance and improvements of a token offering IT platform as well as the implementation of smart contracts. He uses his comprehensive insights in blockchain topics to help clients in structuring their ICO/STO - from project management to token economics

(2) Biyan Mienert, Lawyer/PhD, Doctoral Candidate
Biyan Mienert is a Legal expert and Lawyer in the field of Blockchain Technology and currently, doctoral candidate and researcher at the Institute for the Law of Digitalization, at Marburg University. He received his law degree from Heidelberg University. Biyan Mienert conducts research in the interface between AI and Blockchain Technology. He
developed in his forthcoming PhD, as one of the first Lawyers, a legal framework for Smart Contract based autonomous Organizations (DAOs), which are not managed by humans, but by AI. Due to his expertise, he is a frequent speaker at international conferences and political working groups to point out the possible regulation opportunities for future technologies.

19:00h - 19:30h: Entrance
19:30h - 19:40h: Introduction
19:40h - 19:55h: Transferring Value on Blockchains: Impact of Tokenization, Stable Coins, and Libra
19:55h - 20:05h: Discussion and Q&A
20:05h - 20:25h: Break
20:25h - 20:40h: Facebook's LIBRA Coin: The End of Traditional Banking?
20:40h - 20:50h: Discussion and Q&A
20:50h - 22:00h: Get together


Date: Thursday, October 10, 2019, 19:00h - 22:00h
Venue: d-fine office, An der Hauptwache 7, 60313 Frankfurt am Main

This meetup will be held in English.

Do you want to be a speaker or recommend somebody? Please make your proposal here (https://goo.gl/forms/cCenjo1Xo6JUdg9x1) and we will get back to you.

We are looking for venues in any larger and smaller cities in D/A/CH which can host 20 people, or 50 people (https://forms.gle/Juz8Dff8BnpQnXrr8) and we will get back to you.

Disrupt Meetup | Fintech Frankfurt
Email: team@disrupt-network.io
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/disrupt-network/
Slack: https://docs.google.com/forms/u/2/d/e/1FAIpQLSdJm5YvPnlTNhZgo_4KDQQfDcksCff2yYPwmSsYE-n6fEMr2Q/viewform?usp=send_form


Disrupt Meetup | FinTech Frankfurt
This community brings together fintech enthusiastic enterprises, and startups that want to get to know the technology, understand how it can be used and applied in their processes and those that already invest in it. The Disrupt Network organizes regular meetups and invites exciting speakers to events all over Germany. It does not matter if you are a startup or represent a large corporation, just join the community and let your network grow with us.


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Deutsch/German: Durch die Teilnahme an dieser Veranstaltung (d.h. durch das Bestellen eines kostenlosen Tickets auf Eventbrite), erteilt der/die Teilnehmer/in sein/ihr Einverständnis, dass die Disrupt Network UG (haftungsbeschränkt) (1) seinen/ihren Namen und Kontaktdaten (insb. E-Mail-Adresse) speichert, (2) später befugt ist, E-Mails an den/die Teilnehmer/in zu senden und zudem (3) befugt ist, Fotos und Videos während der Veranstaltung zu machen, die den/die Teilnehmer/in beinhalten können, und diese dann zu veröffentlichen (z.B. online oder offline). Die E-Mails in (2) sind Newsletter und Ankündigungen für Veranstaltungen (z.B. Information bzgl. des Orts eines stattfinden Events oder Änderungen im Programmablauf). Sollte der/die Teilnehmer/in nicht mit den Punkten (1), (2) und (3) einverstanden sein, sollte er/sie nicht an der Veranstaltung teilnehmen. Er/sie sollte dann kein Ticket für die Veranstaltung bestellen.




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